Participation in Occupation Two is a follow on for Participation in Occupation One. This blog is designed to pull on some key factors of my chosen activity in terms of ergonomics and affordances. My chosen activity is exercise. Read on.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Tutorial Seven: Linking to blogs of interest and exchanging comments
Also, in this tutorial I learnt how to comment on others blogs and linked to some of my classmates blogs, finding some really interesting comments and photos.
I commented on Jess's blog and her movie that she made. I found that orange haired girl who played the lead role in the movie was really amazing! ;) ;) ;) (Guess who!).
I have had a number of people comment on my blog including the lecturer and two classmates. These are comments on progress and interest.
Who has commented on my blog?!
I have used the snipping tool to show that a collegue of mine has commented on my blog.. and she said I'd make a great paediatric therapist - how nice of her!
Bye for now!
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Tutorial Six: The internet and online communities
The three online communities I have chosen are as follows: - for information on different types of psychosis-spectrum disorders, phases of assessment, treatment, and recovery - The Mental Help Net website exists to promote mental health and wellness education and advocacy. It includes comprehensive information on schizophrenia and related disorders. - This website is more of a forum styled community where people with schizophrenia, and those without can gain information on their illness.
(Mental Health Foundation New Zealand, 2011).
The first website focuses on adolescent mental health and early intervention. There are webinars (web seminars) that members of the website can watch and attend. There is also a forum for people to add to. There are links to contact the company and if someone is in need of help now they are able to tell you where to seek this help. The information on this website is primarly one way and informational, however there is reason to add and contribute to discussions. It provides sound links to outside agencies and articles around psychosis. An excerpt of the information discussed is as follows:
Substance Use
Because the age of onset for most people with a psychosis is in the late adolescent early adulthood years, all types of substance use needs to be assessed and addressed. Substance use is a problem for a young person if they experience frequent cycles of intoxication, withdrawal, and craving, leading to relapse into further intoxication.
Steps to assess for substance use: what to discuss with the client
•Quantify substance use
•Patterns of use
•Diagnostic criteria for dependence or abuse
•Impact of use: social, vocational, physical, financial, psychological
•Risk of injury (impulse control problems, reckless behaviour, careless accidents, driving, using machinery, appetite changes)
•Method of use
•Safety of method of use
•Withdrawal symptoms
•Family history of substance use
Assessment Tips
•Be conversant with the lingo. When in doubt ask!
•Normalise drug use (expect that the client uses substances)
•Avoid judgemental overtones
•Look out for yea-saying, gain-saying and acquiescence
•Look for physical signs of substance use
(Orygen Youth Health, n.d)
The second website focuses on latest news, videos, blogs, weblogs, links, book reviews and questions and answers regarding schizophrenia. It is a fairly interactive website but the layout could be more professional. Members are encouraged to give their opinion and share their stories when they like. I would assume this is a good website, both informative and interactive.
This website has links to other blogs and I have taken an excerpt from one:.....
Amber's brother, Josh, was diagnosed with schizophrenia in 2006. Amber feels that those who are affected by schizophrenia or another mental disorder should be commended for their bravery, not judged. The blog (which includes a link to her art exhibit created titled Gaining Insight: An Examination of the Relationship between Schizophrenia and Stigma) is a place where Amber shares her thoughts and feelings about her brother's struggles, as well as updates on her own life and how she wants to work to educate others about mental illness.
"Monday, February 14, 2011
After reading a few insightful articles (posted by fellow advocate-Bob) I had this nagging feeling to delve into a very complex topic: the rise of mentally ill inmates in prison. In fact, this statistic has quadrupled in the past 6 years alone. Some chilling facts:
• 70% of jail inmates with mental illness are there for NONVIOLENT offenses.
• More than 16% of jail inmates have mental illness (at the end of 2000, nearly 1 million individuals with mental illness were in the criminal justice system).
To learn more about the facts above, check out this link. What's even more shocking is how many inmates are not receiving proper treatment for the severe mental disorders such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and major depression. I will use an empathetic example to put this into perspective. Imagine a loved one who has or had a very serious illness (of any kind). Now imagine if your loved one was forced into a cell with no chance of treatment. This would further intensify the illness and at times lead to death."
(Gaining Insight, 2011)
The final website focuses on a place where those with the same illness can come and discuss on old and new forums. There are thousands of threads on this website and cover areas such as Schizophrenia News, medications, social treatments, humour area, poetry, work and school related discussions, parent and cargiver discussions to name a few. Each person on the forum has a photo (if they choose) so anonymity isn't exactly covered. The discussions are very interesting once you get reading. One girl asks "Do you ever feel like everyone is plotting against you?" - - many many many replies on people agreeing and how they cope with this feeling. The sad thing about this website is that people are discussing different ways to kill themselves which is never ever a positive thing you want to see on a support community website. I would post an excerpt of that but it is slightly inappropriate for this, it still hurts me though. Such a hard world we live in.
One patron says - "The government sometimes bugs phones and installs spy cameras in peoples houses. They also sometimes engage in mind control. Currently they are working through the Department of Work and Pensions to make mentally ill people commit suicide through harassing and stalking them. I would be careful if I were you." (Leon, 2011).
The delusions around the government bugging phones and installing spy cameras in peoples houses can be viewed on a few posts on the website by the same person. Schizophrenia.
It brings forth the question. What is a 'community'? An online community at that.
Wikipedia describes online communities as
"An online community is a virtual community that exists online whose members enable its existence through taking part in membership ritual." Wikipedia (2011).
What is it that this community is seeking? Is it a sense of belonging perhaps? These support groups are not necessarily support groups and this can be seen in the content available online.
Which brings me to my next point. Is this information ethical?
David Weisbrot, president of the Australia Law Reform Commission, which has been investigating online privacy, comments, “Laws designed to protect privacy in the outside world struggle to cope with the issues raised by online communities. For example, online publication of photo-graphs, which may be sensitive and revealing, raises new challenges in relation to consent....when we interact with others online, we have no real way of knowing whether they are white or black, male or female, fat or thin, young or old. Will this disembodied quality of the online world lead to greater fairness, or will we lose the ability to engage concretely with others, and therefore truly overcome differences?" (Markkula Center for Applied Ethics, 2010, p.1)
So, what benefits do these types of communities have for tradition society?
While being largely informational there is also the benefit of reflecting real life communities, but through the internet. Sometimes it is easier for an individual to discuss information through the computer, rather than discussing it face to face in a group, especially with the stigma attached to mental health. The internet has grown so much that these types of communities can help to provide connections over distances instantly and to be able to connect with people with the same views or concerns is beneficial. These support communities are at no cost to the individual(Sunderland, 2011).
But what do these communities lack?
The use of these communities depends on those who have access and those that do may misuse it or have a delusional reliance on it. This is particularly important to note for those with mental health issues as they can often feed on these sources as a form of solid information, especially within the forum websites, which in turn questions the validity of the information shared.
"Although not generally as connective as real world communities and relationships, online communities have a great deal to offer. They can, if used constructively, provide information, support, entertainment and identity as a supplement to our everyday lives." (Sunderland, 2011)
Reference List:
Gaining Insight. (2011). Mental health and prison: two systems with so many cracks. Retrieved 20 April from:
Leon (2011). Thread reply. Retrieved on 20 April from:
Markkula Center for Applied Ethics. (2010). Retrieved on 20 April from:
Mental health foundation of New Zealand (2011). Support communities. Retrieved on 20 April from:
Orygen Youth Health. (2011). Early psychosis prevention and intevention centre. Retrieved on 20 April from:
Sunderland (2011). Benefits.. Retrieved on 21 April from:
Sunderland (2011). Conclusion.. Retrieved on 21 April from:
Wikipedia (2011). Online community. Retrieved on 21 April from:
Tutorial Five - Video Production Session (2)
It is amazing to think that 70% of the traffic on Youtube comes from outside the US, with 700 million playbacks during 2010. Those are some huge statistics. See more at:
From this, over 4 million users are connected and auto-sharing with at least one other social network. For example, I might 'like' something on Youtube and automatically it links to my Facebook page where all my friends can then go into the link and watch it at their leisure.
Founded in 2005, Five years later, youtube rentals are launched, and youtube exceeds 2 billions views a day. WOW.
So, a topic of interest from my fieldwork that could be shown on youtube? Let me see... Keep an eye on this for some interesting videos on schizophrenia and other mental health issues.. I will also look at the autism and sensory moduation in paediatrics which is something I think I want to get into in the future.
Reference list:
Youtube. (2011). Statistics. Retrieved on March 22 from:
Tutorial Four - Video Production Session
We were given the brief to make it from a 'letter of the alphabet'.. Initially we thought it would be a fantastic idea to take a "still" of every letter of the alphabet BUT O & T (for OT - Occupational Therapy).... buuuuut our awesome camera-lass missed out an F, and put in the T. And it didn't exactly constitute an intriguing video... so we opted to change it in the next session.
A furry faced monster lurks in the trees by the OT block, chasing a flaming ginger haired lass into the bush before leaving this lass lying behind red caution tape, with the letter M next to her as a form of condolence. M for Murder.
Hilarious to make, not so hilarious to cut and turn 3 minutes into 30seconds however. Moviemaker was the choice of editing tool ...The outcome is just outstanding though.... take a look a few posts below!
-- Lucy
Tutorial Three - Blog Creation
The colour scheme is also tailored to my needs and wants as my favourite colour is green.
The blog title is a bit tongue and cheek, using the @ and ! keys as a substitute for a's and i's. How technological of me!
I already had a blog profile set up and a photo set of when I had long brown hair! Times have changed! But it will do, I think.
This tutorial I also added photos from Flikr which can be seen on the right hand side of my blog - some interesting smiles in that bunch!
Off to Tutorial Four!
-- Lucy
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Monday, March 7, 2011
Tutorial Two: Digital Imaging: Second Part!
- Privacy: While there are privacy tools or options you can chose on social networking sites, such as, Facebook, these are often not set to meet the individuals needs. Privacy is a huge issue especially when it comes to imaging. It has been said that an employer has full right to go into social networking sites and look at the profiles of potential employees, so it makes you think about what content you do have on these sites and what should be limiting to impress a potential employer. There is little privacy to the wider community if you allow it. Also, in regards to this when images of children are put up privacy for this child could be breached.
- Ownership: There are so many 'fashion blogs' or 'inspirational blogs' that I see floating without references to the images they upload. Ownership of the photo is then lost, without giving credit to the person who took it.
How to add a podcast
Tutorial Two: Digital Imaging
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Tutorial One: Information Technology and Ethical Issues
"Therapy based on engagement in meaningful activities of daily life, especially to enable or encourage participation in such activities in spite of impairments or limitations in physical or mental functions"
Princeton University. (2011). Wordnetsearch. Receieved on 02/03/2011 from
What is Information Technology?
"Branch of engineering that deals with the use of computers and telecommunication to retrieve and store and transmit information"
Princeton University. (2011). Wordnetsearch. Recieved on the 02/03/2011 from
If we consider the above definition of Information Technology we can come to terms with how prevalent technology is within society. It is the sharing and storing of mass information. I will be posting a YouTube video which truly depicts the explosion which has become The World Wide Web.
Change within society is overwhelming in terms of technology. Society always wants more, the better, the bigger and this is being enabled by technology. It has become particularly common placed and has diminished the use of general planning tools and forms of communication.
At current I feel comfortable in using a laptop, a PC, digital camera, cellphone and an old version Ipod. I find new versions of Ipod's quite confusing to use and I sometimes don't have the patience when my old version works perfectly well for my needs. I am also uncomfortable using most APPLE product as I find them hard to navigate, althought I haven't given them much time though. It is sometimes about finding the time to sit down and play with these devices to increase the use of IT.This renders the question as to whether the majority of society want to stick to old school use of technlogies or are we increasing each day to accept reality.
In relation to Occupational Therapy IT use has become important for practice because as a society we are susceptible to technology every day. "Occupational therapy relies on therapeutic use of purposeful and meaningful activities, which are aimed at achieving a person's functional independence" (Creek, 1998, Pedretti and Pasquinelli, 2001)......"Technology offers therapists new types of handiwork and enabling devices, which are being drawn from a virtual enviroment" (Verdonck et al, 2007). Technology is effective to use with particular clients as a therapeutic tool. Technology now offers a new scope and development to therapy and the use of internet, gaming consoles and portable devices including handheld play stations, cellphones and IPODs can be empowering to particular clients. Internet can be used for online shopping, internet banking, music, downloads, movies, social networking, buying and selling…the list goes on.
However, there are some issues that exist around OT's adoption of Information Technology systems and tools. There is a lack of knowledge in some areas, which can affect the effectiveness of intervention with clients that understand knowledge. Maybe the client can teach the OT a thing or two! Also, OT's as practitioners need to back their interventions with clinical reasoning and judgement and there are risks involved with different pieces of technology. We need to consider vulnerable clients and the negative effects gaming and internet surfing can have on these individuals. (Griffiths et al, 2003). There are online sites that now offer gambling and online gaming at a cost and this could be a vulnerable situation for clients with addiction problems.
It can also have positive effects on individual clients. For this instance I will focus on the positive impact it has on mental health clients. While working in the holidays at a forensic mental health unit, facilitating the Christmas programmes and day programmes alongside 4 Occupational Therapists it became evident how important technology has become to clients aged between 18-40 (if not older!). It was important to hone in on these clients abilities and interests to help build rapport and maintain a therapeutic relationship whilst I was there. I noticed some of the clients had their own Ipods, or music players and they had access to two computers, TV's and on two units there was access to Wii. In 'down time' I often got out the Wii and competed against some of the clients. At first it was noticeable that the clients were skeptical about this new piece of equipment, especially to those who had not left hospital in a number of years. Once they saw how fun it was, they joined in. But, it wasn't just about the fun, especially from my point of view. It was about motivating the clients to try something new, entertaining purposefully and engaging them in meaningful occupation, even if that was 'play'.
There are, however, ethics that play an important role when considering IT and sharing of information. Intellectual Property (IP), for starters, is a legal entitlement which is attached to certain types of information such as photos, data, or personal details held on the world wide web and often informed consent is necessary to access or use this data. Intellectual property (IP) refers to creations of the mind: inventions, literary and artistic works, and symbols, names, images, and designs used in commerce. (World Intellectual Property Organisation. (2011). WIPO. Retrieved from
To me, intellectual property surrounds the arts, photos, films, plays, images, logos for companies and all the rest. For example...Google, a multimillion dollar company..their logo MUST be intellectual property, legally entitled to their company only. The logo MUST be intellectual property. The photos taken by my self, on my own camera, MUST be MY own intellectual property when I display them.
What is social justice? Wikipedia (2011) notes that Social justice generally refers to the idea of creating a society or institution that is based on the principles of equality and solidarity, that understands and values human rights, and that recognizes the dignity of every human being. (Wikipedia. (2011). Retrieved from It surrounds fair treatment and is an ideal in society, however, is sometimes not adhered to. How often does this go astray when using IT? In terms of social networking, all the time. The amount of unjust information on the world wide web is astounding and often leaves an individual wondering whether the rest of the world knows more about them than they do.
This brings me to the next point of informed consent. There is a legal condition that must be given on the appreciation and access of facts and content. While Wikipedia is known to be a less than reliable source, it sums up 'informed consent' quite nicely. Well at least, so I can understand. Wikipedia (2011) says: "An informed consent can be said to have been given based upon a clear appreciation and understanding of the facts, implications, and future consequences of an action." Wikipedia. (2011). Retrieved from This, to me, means that when using information on the internet you must be given informed consent before appreciating the facts and using the information.
There is then the question around being able to access all data given on websites...there are consequences for not being able to fully utilise such websites. We lose information, feel isolated from the truth and have a decreased access to information. However, some sites can be adapted to utilise websites to full potential for those with impairments. Blind people can have text converted into electronic speech, colour blind may have colours altered and there can be deaf personnel available so people are able to access this information.
Ah, so much information. So little time. Onto the next venture my friends. Keep reading!